
Showing posts from December, 2017


Just another one, I've been through hell. Just another day, I'm captured in a shell. There was a time when I was free like the wind. Moments have always rushed in my vein. Every day feels like broken truth. It must have always been with broth It is seemingly moving like a  beast. Nowhere near to life, I undertook despite insists. Growing older with the time, precisely haven't got Yet mine. So baby, get together on a line of the divine. Maybe I was always into wrongful Shine. The moon glows like a white hole. Sun ships down like a faded soul Are we there always to confront them all. Or else it's another seemingly failed paradise. A failed Paradise.  

Mountain Man

A ll along the snowy filled Rocky Mountains. Living my desires underlying broken fountains. Up above the hills, mind full of razzle thoughts. Desperate, dreadful inner soul fights Escaping a reality , nature bonafide tragedy. Into the woods life's greatest travesty of greedy.  Holding myself along the paths of irreplaceable stones . Depicting such in graceful tones. Have had enough blended forward into fierceable situation . No one fathom thy solutions. Long gone your clumsy creations  Binded by your mind in a gleeful observations. (The Poem was published in English National Daily “REPUBLICA” Dates 17th March, 2018